The derveni krater download
The derveni krater download

the derveni krater download

L'étude fine de l'architecture et du décor des tombes, des structures (aire de crémation, tombe, fosse, table à offrandes, etc.), des contextes archéologiques (sols, dépôts, remblais, etc.) et des vestiges cérémoniels (céramique, os animaux, restes carpologiques, etc.) sans oublier les relations que l'on peut établir entre ces vestiges et le mort, permet de restituer au tombeau sa fonction essentielle de lieu de culte funéraire ou de lieu de mémoire consacré par le dépôt des restes du défunt. Il est ainsi désormais possible d'aborder, grâce à la documentation archéologique, les stratégies rituelles mises en oeuvre par les sociétés antiques pour honorer leurs morts.  Des travaux récents menés sur des ensembles funéraires antiques du bassin méditerranéen ont permis de développer des méthodes adaptées à la mise en évidence des pratiques et des rites funéraires. Close study of the architecture and decoration of tombs, of the structures (cremation spaces, tombs, graves, offering tables etc.), of the archaeological contexts (flooring, deposits, backfill etc.), and of the ceremonial remains (pottery, animal bones, carpological vestiges etc.), without omitting the relationships that can be established between these vestiges and the dead, have allowed us to reveal the tomb's essential function as the setting of a funerary cult and a memorial site consecrated by the deposition of the remains of the deceased. It is now possible, thanks to archaeological documentation, to examine the ritual strategies applied by ancient societies to honour their dead. more Recent work conducted on ancient funerary ensembles of the Mediterranean basin have led to the development of methods for detecting evidence of funerary practices and rites. Recent work conducted on ancient funerary ensembles of the Mediterranean basin have led to the de. Analysis showed it is a red opaque glass. * The vessel was at the time of publication thought to be of faience and is published as such. Tomb 12: A pit grave with a female burial: An opaque red glass scyphos* (Πυ 871 with 16 long petals), two colorless glass gems (Πυ 868 with a seated woman, the other is not presented) and a core-formed oenochoe (Πυ 870). Tomb 5: A cist grave with a female burial: A colorless scyphos (Πυ 872 with 24 lanceolate leaves and a band of vertical grooves) and a core-formed lentoid aryballos (Πυ 869). Tomb 1: A cist grave with a female burial: A colorless omphalos bowl (Πυ 865 with 16 long petals), a light blue transparent melon bead (Πυ 867) and a colorless glass gem with a female portrait (Πυ 866). They are all dated to the last quarter of the 4th century B.C. more Three burials excavated at the field no 279 of the modern village of Makrygialos (ancient Pydna) contained glass objects.

the derveni krater download

Three burials excavated at the field no 279 of the modern village of Makrygialos (ancient Pydna).

The derveni krater download